seen the best, now try the rest!
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= The
Vaultman's current favourites |
A+ Educational Resource
An American site, designed with the idea of making
educational materials available and affordable to anyone and everyone who wants them. It
carries extensive information and referral resources to connect parents, teachers,
students, and families, with almost any answer they require and a convenient, full-color
A site crammed full of downloadable stuff with ideas for using them. Lots of subjects each
with its collections of useful printables. Go! See! You can't help but find it useful.
This is the American Educational Resources Information Centre, which is federally
funded.It contains a resource collection, a collection of lesson plans on a wide variety
of school subjects, a question answering service and question archive and a database of
abstracts of journal articles and documents.
A to Z Teachers Stuff
An American site with a large number of ready-prepared lessons for classes of all ages.
Really useful.
Awesome Clipart for Kids
Worth a visit if you want clip art for your pupils computer work or for your school
website. (The menu system is a bit arcane).
Teacher Resources on the Web
An uninspiring, but useful collection of educational links worldwide. Organised by subject
and area of interest.
Brynherbert Community Primary School
Our first website with pages in Welsh! A nice school site, mirrored
in English. Look in the Worksheets for Teachers Section for lots of
downloadable resources, especially if you are teaching in Welsh.
(Note, though, that although the resources are all named in
Welsh, many of them are actually in English or are bilingual).
Free Worksheets Links page
A collection of links to freely available worksheets for a variety of subjects / ages.
This is a resource bank. Search by subject. Looks good. If we haven't got it they
might have.
Resource Links
A page from the University of Leicester linking to sites of interest to teachers.
Classified by subject.
Discovery School
The homepage of the Discovery Channel School. Holds lesson plans on a wide range of
subjects linked to their programmes.
Education 2000
A portal to education related sites aimed at school managers and administrators.
Education and Government Sites
A useful collection of education and government weblinks.
Education Index
A guide to education-related sites on the web. Easy to navigate.
Educational Sites on the Internet
An independent site, which is regularly updated. It has a large selection of links for
teachers, SEN, dyslexia and disability.
Gareth Pitchford's Primary
Loads of useful information with an ever-increasing number of useable worksheets for all
levels and subjects. Well worth a visit.
An American site. The key to one-stop, any-stop access to high quality lesson plans,
curriculum units and other education resources on the Internet!
Graham Dean's
Graham has updated his site and moved it to a new host. There are links for teachers in both primary and secondary
education (all links checked monthly). Also photographs and other resources for
including photographs of the River Ribble - from source to sea, Bridges (illustrated
hypertext reference file) along with other bits and pieces.
Resources for Teachers
Subject arranged guide to over 800 education sites to enhance the curriculum. Has a good
link to Discovery Channel for Schools.
In The Classroom -
Timeplan's Virtual Teachers' Centre
A simple and easy to use site. Although it is called a teachers' centre it is actually an
excellent links collection. Timeplan have recently updated the site which is well
structured, comprehensive and easy to use. There is a very useful section for beginner
teachers (which could be useful to us not so beginners, too!) Highly recommended!
The Knowledge Farm

Judith Seegers is a former English teacher who has set up this collection of freely
downloadable resources. The "Knowledge Notes" cover a range of topics in a
variety of subjects. English is particularly strong. There are also resources you can
purchase. There is some good stuff here.
This site aims to offer UK school students and teachers top quality on-line lessons and
learning materials and other resources. It's in-depth, interactive, utterly reliable and is part of the Guardian Unlimited network. For reviewed links go to the
The Lighthouse for
Belonging to NE Lincolnshire LEA, this site has advice for teachers, safe searching and
links lists. Worth a visit.
Loopy Land
Wow! 'Ideas, resources and links for teachers and other insane beings' . Loads of
downloadable gif animations. Check out the Jellybaby site! is an independent gateway to the world of the web designed exclusively
to support the needs of teachers and educators. The aim of the site is to be informative
and fun, providing both a definitive online resource for professionals as well as an
introduction to the best the web has to offer in news, sports, shopping and entertainment.
You get a whole host of services for free. Check it out.
Subject Launchpad
Website for Herriott Watt University. Information from the faculties and admissions and
lots of lknks to subject specific information. Most useful to upper secondary / tertiary
Links for UK teachers and Children to cover all area of the National Cuurriculum.
A clean simple interface and an increasing number of freely downloadable resources for
Primary teachers from this UK based site..
Questions Publishing Good Web
This is part of the free side of Questions' website. It is a useful collection of links in
a subject by subject list.
Resources for Educational Excellence
Hundreds of education resources supported by agencies across the U.S. 
This new resource site claims to be "The Only Website You'll Ever Need". Well,
that may be true one day, but it looks like ICTeachers is safe for a good while yet :-).
After ploughing through several attractive and attractively animated intro screens you can
choose links for KS1 KS2 and KS3 as well as for teachers, parents and entertainment. Links
are categorised by subject, but at the moment are rather thin on the ground. KS3 looks
better served than 1 & 2.
RHL School Worksheets
Another American site. The place on the Web to get an enormous supply of free quality
worksheets for teaching, reinforcement, and review. Looking for lesson plans? Many of
these worksheets can serve as the basis for lessons.
Cheshire LEA's Support site Access to all sorts of educational documents and resources.
School Web UK
School Web was set up by a group of friends, discussing how they use the net and
speculating on the type of sites they would find useful. The aim is to produce a one stop
site for links to all curriculum areas and useful resources.
The UK's most comprehensive FREE information resource for schools: 30,000 urls chosen by
teachers, for teachers, students and parents.Also lesson plans, schemes of work, events
listings, school info, buy on line, info about suppliers, educational news digest and job
Schools Online Resources for
SORT is a directory of quality educational resources available on the Internet. This is a
free service for teachers being developed by the World ORT Union as part of its Global
Campus programme.
Sites for Children
A growing collection of fun websites for children.The site says "When children play,
they are also working and learning. Any website that helps children to have fun and learn
belongs here. School and class sites are welcome. As are sites with resources for
children, parents and teachers."
Sites for Teachers
A listing of more than 450 websites that teachers may find useful.
This is a really slick links list, concentrating on scientific topics and including links
for KS2 up to A Level.Lots of useful links.
Study Web
Study Web is an American site with over 118,000 links to educational resources. All are
categorised by subject area.
Tag Teachernet
You need to join (it's totally free) to gain access to this site but once inside there are
Resources and Links (lots of them), News, a Teachers' Grapevine and a Job Search.
Teachers' Library of Resources
Our sister site. Very extensive range of downloadable resources designed by teachers for
teachers. The site is broken down into different keystages and covers amongst other
things: tests, planning, worksheets and homework. Not forgetting this Site is FREE!
Teaching and Learning Resources

A beautifully presented site with lots of useful links and many
online resources. There is also a collection of fun activities for
children. Diane Hawkins, who's site it is, says, The purpose of
this site is to provide stimulating, interactive learning resources
to support the National Curriculum for England and Wales for
children in Key Stage 2.
Masses of links all on one page, from Logotron. No reviews so you take
pot luck but its
well worth a look.
Ideas for Primary Teachers
Just what it says - Resourcesand ideas.HIghly recommended.
Teaching Inspiration
A fairly new site that offers the visitor a good deal of material. The site is easy to use
and is growing daily. The categories are clear and Lara ensures the visitor is able to
access the materials quickly. As well as resources there are ideas for assemblies and
other areas of the curriculum. The site was last updated September 1999. This site is
worth a visit.
The Teachers' Resource Exchange

Run by BECTA, this site is a place where teachers can share their
good ideas / lesson plans / resources etc. You can submit resources
and ideas of your own and / or comment on / add to the ideas and
resources which have been submitted by others.
Teacher Tools
This is well worth a visit. American-based but crammed full of useful goodies. Worksheets,
lessonplans, games and puzzles, free stuff to download and an excellent set of links
Tony Pickford's Resources
for Teaching and Learning
Resources, links, software and teacher support for Science, Geography, History and ICT are
all here. Tony runs the award-winning Chester College School of Education website. Tony is
interested in canals and also in the use of QuicktimeVR and has some fascinating stuff
about the use of QuicktimeVR movies to help children raise enquiry questions. (QuicktimeVR
is a system that you can download, which enables "3D" viewing by producing 360
degree panoramas on-screen which the user can explore using the mouse pointer - the view
can bemoved right and left, up and down as well as zooming in and out).
Topmarks Education
A highly recommended site with an impressive list of links to sites covering many areas of
education in the UK. This site currently lists 840 sites and has an easy search facility.
The layout is simple and quick to use. Well worth a visit!
Ultimate Set of
Primary School Bookmarks

This page is part of a excellent school site. The list of links is comprehensive and
growing in number.
UK Schools Resources
This general educational site is hosted by the University of Liverpool and acts as a
springboard to the internet for educational resources from around the world. It has a
clear and easy layout, combined with well designed categories to help visitors find what
they need.
This is a collection of photographs for downloading. A rival to our own Photo Library.
WebQuests UK
An American idea tranferred to a UK NC context, each web quest is a task which requires
interent research to complete it. Each task is linked to one of the units in the QCA
scheme. "Each WebQuest is a self contained learning experience designed to
encourage pupils to reconstruct knowledge, thus learning more effectively." Well
worth a close look.
Woodland Wide Web

This is the website of Woodland Grange Primary School in
Leicestershire. It is an excellent example of a school website,
providing a showcase for the school and its children and a great
collection of on-line educational activities (Oh - and some games
World of

A huge collection of MS PowerPoint presentations, produced by
teachers for teachers. Each
one is given a star rating and there is information about the
download size. They are free to download. This looks really useful.
Photo Collections
Here are some sites that make me consider giving up photography! Some of the
pages may take a while to download, but they are well worth the wait. |
Cornwall Cam

Charles Winpenny updates his site almost daily with photographs that take your breath away
(well they do mine!)
Lakeland Cam

Tony Richards is a postman in the Lake District. He updates the wonderful photos on his
site daily.
Mad About Mountains
Anne Bowker lives in the Lake District and is rather keen on elevated land. Her site
includes both photos and text. Some of the photos are of disappointingly low resolution -
but many of them are as sharp as you'd like. Anne doesn't limit her interest only to her
local mountains. There is lots of stuff here about mountains further afield, too.
North York Moors Cam

Don Burluraux's site has details of (long) walks on the North York Moors around Cleveland.
The photos are stunning. 'Nuff said. |