are many varieties of Geranium. (Not the houseplant - which is actually Pelargonium). The
blue flowers clearly show how the petals have veins, like leaves and 2 stamens for each of
the 5 petals. The pink flower clearly shows the 5-branched style. |
Flowers of a larger
variety of grass (sorry don't know which one), showing the many stamens hanging out to
catch the wind. |
Hedge Parsley
flowers are arranged in "umbels". The stalks of each flower-head arise from the
same place on the main stem like the spokes of an umbrella. The individual flowers arise
from their main stalks in the same way. |
The Lenten Rose or
Hellebore. What look like its petals are actually its sepals, the petals are the little
brown blobs around the many stamens. |
Freedman |
Mike Freedman |
Mike Freedman |
Mike Freedman |
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Another view of a
hellebore flower showing its branched style surrounded by its stamens. |
Not that hellebores
are my favourites but I do like this photo. In this view of a newly opened flower you can
clearly see the branched style and the still-developing stamens. |
Herb Bennet, or
Wood Avens is a member of the rose family. Its little yellow 5-petalled flowers are a
common weed in gardens and hedgrows throughout the summer, as are its spiky heads of
fruit. Each fruit has a little hook for clinging to the fur of passing animals. |
Climbing Hydrangea has umbels containing two kinds of flowers. The outer flowers are
sterile and have the job of attracting insects. The inner flowers have no petals. In the
close up you can see the stamens and styles interspersed with the buds of flowers that
have not yet opened. |
Mike Freedman |
Mike Freedman |
Mike Freedman |
Freedman |
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Here is a spike of flowers from a Horse
Chestnut. The long curved stamens and style in each flower can
clearly be seen. A well grown "conker" tree covered in these large
creamy flower spikes is a sight to behold.
(2 sizes |
Solanum is the plant that gives its name
to the family Solanacea. The family includes potatoes, tomatoes and
the nightshades (both deadly and woody). These flowers are typical
of the family. |
Flowers of Choisya (Mexican Orange
Blossom) clearly showing their structure in 5X radial
symmetry. |
The tiny white bells of Lily of the
Valley grow in shady corners of the garden in early summer. They
have elongated leaves with parallel veins that are typical of
monocotyledenous plants. |
When Rhododendrons flower it is a sure
sign that Summer has really started. |
Mike Freedman |
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