Useful Internet
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History |
History Sites
Anglo Saxons
Ancient Greeks
Ancient Egypt
World War 1
Britain Since the 1930s
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History Sites
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Find out all about your favourite prehistorical beasties!
Dinosaurs in Hawaii
A great site for older juniors who want to explore the world of dinosaurs in some detail.
Images are excellent and verbal commentaries can be selected if desired. The fossils are
all replicas from the originals at the American Museum of Natural History in New York
Internet Encyclopaedia: Britain 1700-1920
In depth look at British history for this period. Lots of detail (too much for some!) and
pictures too.
British History
Typically classy and detailed history archive from those encyclopedia people. If what
you're looking for, British history-wise, isn't here it probably doesn't exist!
World History
Pick a continent, pick a century, and follow the hyperlinks for more detailed information
on historical characters. Simple but effective format.
Day's Site
This site contains information on the Roman Occupation (43-410AD), The Hundred Years War
(1361-1453) and The Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815). Also contains information on Castles and
Events held by English Heritage and The Napoleonic Association.
Around Britain
Thinking of visiting a museum? Check out this site first. Loads of information about
museums up and down the country, with virtual tours thrown in.
Monarchs of Britain
Exhaustive list of British kings and queens from the House of Wessex to Windsor and more
besides. Just click on a name for succinct information. Some pictures too.
Spartacus: History Links for Key Stage 2 (Juniors)
The Spartacus Website lists some useful sites to visit for the main Key Stage 2 History
topics including Romans, Tudors, Victorians, Ancient Greeks and Britain since 1930.
Monarchs Of Great Britain
Channel Online History
A very entertaining and informative site with the language pitched a level that most KS2
children could understand. There is a daily link to part of the site highlighted and the
'Black Death' trail is well worth following (follow the rat!). Recommended for both
browsing for general interest and for searching for specific curriculum needs.
The British
Library On-Line Service
Want to see a digital copy of the Magna Carta? The Lindisfarne Gospels? Try here. You can
also access a complete catalogue of the Librarys resources, find out about current
exhibitions, or how to obtain a British Library Reader's Ticket.
Introduction to the British Museum
Still under construction, but full of information about the museums collections.
Children can explore a section devoted to Ancient Egypt, teachers can find all the
information they need to plan a school visit.
Discoverers Web Homepage: voyages of
Loads of links to sites about any aspect of exploration and discovery that you care to
think of, from pre-history onwards.
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Anglo-Saxon England
Lots of information regarding: Invasions, Religion, King Cnut. Lots of text and no
One page web site. Very brief notes indeed regarding this period in History.
Celts and Saxons Home Page
Lots of links regarding: Archaeology, Art, History, Language, Literature, Music and
Mythology related to this topic.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicles
An excellent series of chronicles, covering AD 1 to AD 1154. Also includes a useful
timeline and King Arthur background and information.
Early Anglo-Saxon Costume
Quite slow to load, covers AD 400 to AD 900. Lots of text with some black &
white prints.
& Vikings
King Arthur
Ancient Greeks
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The Ancient Greeks 
Basic information, simply presented.
The Ancient Greek World   
An excellent site from the University of Pensylvannia Museum of Archaeology and
Anthropology. Some of the language is a little grown up but it contains good information
about: daily life, economy, religion and death and land and time. There are now some great
little interactive popup pages including a panorama of the museum's Greek section and a 360° statue. There is also a link to the
museum's page about the original Olympic Games
Daily Life in
Ancient Greece  
This looks fun. Here is a site that tells you how to organise your own class Olympic Games
(with classroom activities substituted for the real athletics). Children research and then
take on the role of "athletes" from one of 5 Greek city-states. Great idea!
Hercules, Greece's Greatest Hero 
The Perseus Digital Library's pages about the great Greek hero.
History for Kids 
This is really good! Designed for (American) middle school kids but written by college
professors. The text is clear, yet comprehensive with lots of internal links. An excellent
site once children have used the rather small buttons on the home page to get into the
information part of the site. There is information about particular civilisations: Greeks,
Romans, West Asia, Germans, Egyptians, Islam, Middle Ages and about themes such as
architecture, clothing, war. There is also stuff for teachers. Care! There are
clickthroughs to's toy department. (That's how they fund the site).

A site devoted to heroes, gods and monsters of greek mythology. A kidsafe site, which also
includes teachers' resource pages.
Odyssey Interactive Adventure  
An excellent role-playing adventure for primary children which is part of Kelsall
Community Primary School's excellent website. (Click on the Squirrel and then scroll down
the page). There is also a new section simply called Ancient Greece.
The Ancient Olympics  
The Perseus Digital Library's pages about the original Olympic Games.
Pegasus Paradise  
Animals, Heroes & Heroines, Villains, Gods and Games. Great!
The Real Deal About Ancient Greece 
This is a simple site produced by 3 American 6th graders. Some of the basic facts about
Ancient Greece, simply and atractively presented.
The Real Story
of the Olympic Games  
The University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology's page about the
original Olympics.
Sneak Peaks at Ancient Greeks 
A list of famous Ancient Greeks with brief notes about them. A good starting point.
Theoi Project - Greek Gods, Spirits and Monsters 
A comprehensive list with background information about each one. Nicely done.
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Rigby's World of Egypt
Tour Egypt
Desk: Encient Egypt
Ancient Sites
Egyptian Artefacts
Explore Egypt
A great site for exploring Egypt in all its forms. Some
interesting links to other sites. Designed with youngsters in mind.
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Corinium Museum
Very small web page, as this is a link from Cotswold hyperguide, containg four JPG images.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the wall.
Corinium Museum
Very small web page, as this is a link from Cotswold hyperguide, containg four JPG images.
Everything you ever wanted to know about the wall.
Roman Military Sites in Britain
Background material on the Roman Army and the Military history of Britannia. A timeline,
diagram and maps.
Ermine Street Guard
(Roman Re-enactment Society) A web page of five slow loading images of the Roman Military.
Romans in Scotland
The web site is linked to the Hunterian Museum, which is assosiated with the University of
Glasgow. The enhanced site includes video clips, if you have Quicktime software. Standard
site isn't as good. It's just like being in the museum itself. A good site.
Part of the Alexandria Library. Rome, Roman religion, Punic wars and Biblical history.
Images, text and sound files. An excellent site when searching for specific information
about an aspect of Roman life.
A good site detailing most things related to Romans. Richard is linked to the
International School of Geneva, so his web site will be of use to educationalists.
Timeline of Roman Britain
A timeline with Hyperlinks. This site is part of Britannia History resources.
Roman Britain
All text, describing the period oulined by the above web site. Another part of the
Britannia History resources.
BBC Education: Romans
This site is aimed at Primary Teachers and upper KS2 students interested in Roman History.
A comprehensive site from BBC Education. Text, maps and images plus a great multiple
choice quiz.
Rome Project
Roman Health
Roman Empire
Rome: City
of Empire
Forum Project
Warfare in
the Roman World
Classical Atlas Project
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World of the Vikings
A web site advertising World Of Vikings CD-Rom, explaining the Evidence boxes, Research
Database and ordering Info.
The Jorvik
Viking Centre
A web site linked to the Jorvik Viking Centre situate in York. Admission times, ways to
use the centre, school visits.
The World of the Vikings
An excellent guide to Viking resources on the Internet.
Links to other sites, including: runes, museums, Re-enactments, schools, ships,
Voyage 1000
Viking Voyage 1000 This site documents the Viking Voyage 1000 project, which took place on
Aug 15th 1997. To use some of the functions on this site, you will need RealPlayer and
Shockwave software. There are links to download the software if not present on your
machine. Downloadable text and images.
Lots of hyperlinks in text and images. Covers: everyday life, travels, Heritage, Regions,
Contributions from schools, Viking Maths and Viking Quiz.
Viking No
Did the Vikings really wear horns on their helmets and do all
the horrible things they were supposed to have done? Find out more!
Anglo-Saxons & Vikings
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Welford and Wickham Primary School have found out all about The Tudors, so if you're
studying the same topic why not try out this extensive and informative site. You won't be
Scholarly site on the Tudors covering such topics as the arts, music and the life of women
in Tudor times. Links to other Tudor-type sites too.
An excellent resource for KS2 Children about the tudor monarchy. Simple but not
simplistic it's clearly laid out for children and easy to navigate. Well worth a
Tudor Timeline
Britannia present a Tudor Timeline with links to pages about all the Tudor monarchs and
other important historical characters of the time.
Battle of
Modern day picture of the battlefield where the War of the Roses ended and the Tudor
dynasty began. Little information.
Henry VII
See below.
Henry VIII
See below
Edward VI
See below
Lady Jane Grey
See below
Mary I
See below
Elizabeth I
See below
Mary Queen of Scots
The above pages are all part of a vast database/pictures about The Tudors. Links to all
the historical characters of the time. Also links to a Royal database for searches back to
8th Century including The Romans, Family History, World history. Interesting database but
not very visual.
Welcome to the Mary Rose
First rate site on Henry VIII's favourite warship. Very readable text, excellent graphics
and even a 3D model. Wow! Great site to use with KS2 children.
The Spanish Armada
Sir Francis Drake
Walter Raleigh
Link from the Information Devon Webpage. Database about Sir Walter with links to other
pages/sites perhaps a little outdated in appearance.
Globe Theatre
Just about everything you would ever want to know about the Globe from 1564 to present
day! Lots of pictures, data and links including a time line from 1564 to 1999.
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The Victorian Web
This web site has everything you would ever want to know about the Victorians in the form
of links and databases about the Literature, History and culture in the age of the
Age of Empire
Web page with numerous interesting historical links such as Prime Ministers 1721-1901. It
is part of the Britannia website so loads of links to Monarchs from 802AD, Timelines,
Historical documents and maps, King Arthur, Time period links and Early British Kingdoms.
An excellent site for historical research at KS2/3.
Queen Victoria
See below.
Queen Victoria illustrated resources
A web site full of pictures related to Queen Victoria and her family. The images do take
some time to load but are a very good visual resource for topic work.
The History of Costume by Braun Schneider - c.1861-1880
Web site showing plates of costumes from the Egyptians to Late 19th century from around
the world. A good visual resource that would aid lots of different topics. The pictures
can be enlarged.
War 1
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Trenches on the web
This is a first rate site, detailing the history of the First
World War.
Britain Since the 1930s
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World War II: The World Remembers
WW2 Photo Gallery
The 1960s
The Sixties
History of the Home Guard
Loads of information and links to some excellent sites about Earth, Mars etc. well worth a
visit. |
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